There are a great many hazards for your pets. Some are less obvious than others. Warmer weather probably means more play time outside, and with that, more exposure to harmful outdoor substances. Gardens can pose a number of poisoning hazards. How vulnerable your pet is depends on the species, amount digested and size of your pet. To be safe, we recommend you keep EVERYTHING on this list below from your pet. Note that this is not a comprehensive list.
What do you do if you suspect your pet has ingested a toxin?
Contact the Pet Poison Helpline if you’re unsure about what your pet ate, or call us immediately at 512-838-2273, and tell us how much you believe the pet ingested.
Signs that your pet has ingested a toxin:
- Excessive Salivation
- Vomiting
- Racing or Irregular Pulse
- Lethargy
- Abnormally-Rapid Breathing
- Cold Extremities
Toxic Plants:
- Day Lily*
- Angel’s Trumpet*
- Oleander*
- Foxglove*
- Sago Palm*
- Elephant’s Ear*
- Autumn Crocus
- Azalea
- Calla Lily
- Easter Lily
- Rhododendron
- Tiger Lily
- Yew
- Lily of the Valley
- Japanese Pieris
- *Known to grow locally in Central Texas
Blue-Green Algae
Blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) is found mostly in fresh water and thrives in warm, sunny weather. Because of this, Austin lakes are prone to developing this toxic algae, as the temperatures are warm most of the year. These organisms are incredibly toxic and are known to cause poisoning in dogs, cats, livestock, wildlife, birds, fish and even humans. If ingested, cyanobacteria can be fatal in dogs.
Rodent, snail and slug baits are often used to keep pests at bay. But if ingested, these poisons are extremely harmful to pets. They are highly toxic and, without immediate veterinary attention, can be fatal. Rodent baits typically can result in blood clotting disorders, brain swelling or kidney failure, depending on which type is used, while snail and slug baits can result in severe tremors or seizing.
Blood Meal
Used as an organic fertilizer, blood meal is flash-frozen animal blood that has been dried and ground. Unfortunately, many pets find this product very tasty and may even seek it out. If a large amount is ingested, it can cause vomiting, diarrhea and severe inflammation of the pancreas.
Bone Meal
Bone meal is an organic fertilizer made from animal bones that have been ground to a powder. The “bone” is what makes it so palatable to dogs— but when ingested, bone meal can form a large, concrete-like obstruction in the stomach that could require surgical removal.
Most over-the-counter insecticides are basic gastrointestinal irritants to pets and are generally not cause for major concern. However, if your pet has ingested this type of chemical, contact us or the Pet Poison Helpline right away to make sure your pet is safe.
Many fertilizers are basic gastrointestinal irritants. However, some are often combined with dangerous chemicals and compounds called organophosphates or carbamates, which can be harmful to pets. Ingestion can result in drooling, watery eyes, urination, defecation, seizures, difficulty breathing, fever and even death. Immediate treatment with an antidote is necessary to improve your pet’s chance of survival.
When in doubt about any outdoor chemical or treatment, avoid pet exposure and read the warning label on the back of the package. Manchaca Village Veterinary Care is always here to help should your pet ingest something dangerous.
What's Next
Call us or schedule an appointment online.
Meet with a doctor for an initial exam.
Put a plan together for your pet.