Pet Health Q&A with Dr. Ontiveros
Recently, Dr. Ontiveros was a featured speaker at the New Year’s Pet Solutions event at The Watering Bowl in South Austin. This gave attendees of the event the opportunity to ask Dr. O some simple health questions about their pets. Here is the some of the Q&A from the event: Q: How can I tell…
Senior Pet Health
As our pets start to get older, it’s important to do everything we can to make sure they stay healthy. As in humans, more frequent checkups are recommended as pets age. At MVVC, we consider six years to be “middle age” for pets and begin to recommend our six-month senior exam, to help detect sub-clinical diseases…
Foster a Pet Month
Dr. Taia Lubitz Photographed by Beth Lecocq Did you know that June is Foster a Pet Month? Dr. Taia Lubitz has been a faithful foster and champion for animal adoption for many years. Her insight and personal experience with foster programs provide a great testimonial for anyone interested in getting started as an animal foster….
World Veterinary Day
The theme of 2021 World Veterinary Day is “Veterinarian Response to the COVID-19 Crisis.” Our own, Dr. Vanessa Wise wrote some thoughts on practicing veterinary medicine during a pandemic and what she is looking forward to in the year to come. What does being a veterinarian mean to you? To me being a veterinarian means…
Preparing Your Dog For Plane Travel
By Mandy Lee Being a pet parent who travels, sometimes you have to bring your furry friend with you. Whether you always travel with your pet or are bringing them as a last resort, their safety and well-being is your top priority. Having a dog prepped and ready for air travel is far different from…
Pet Safety During the Holiday Season
The holidays are a time for sharing lasting memories with our loved ones. For those of you that have pets in the family, there are some things to watch out for so those memories don’t include an emergency visit to your vet! Let’s take a few simple steps to help safeguard our fuzzy family members…
Symptoms and Solutions for Osteoarthritis
The symptoms might start with your dog having difficulty getting up the stairs at night. Or maybe your cat can no longer jump on the counter like he used to. They may have gained weight or seem lethargic. They may groan when getting up or laying down. They may pant more with activity. These are…
Tips for a Stress-Free Vet Visit for Your Cat
My cat hates the VET! We can help. It really doesn’t have to be so stressful. A big barrier to bringing cats in for their annual or semi-annual veterinary visits is the anxiety they feel around the carrier, the car ride, and the hospital visit. The first challenge is getting the cat into the carrier. …
Dental Care Fundamentals for Pets
February is Pet Dental Health Month. For those of you superheroes that brush your pet’s teeth at least twice weekly, read no further and go celebrate with some coffee or an adult beverage. For the rest of us mere mortals (including many veterinarians), misery loves company; let’s start a meet-up group. Good news—our meet-up…
Stem Cell Therapy for Pets
Successful New Stem Cell Therapy for treating Arthritis As our beloved pets age, arthritis is a common issue they face. They walk more gently, and they no longer are able to climb into their favorite sleeping spots. Dr. Smith is now providing a revolutionary Stem Cell Therapy treatment to return the youthful spring to your…
What's Next
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